God blessed this Earth with a gift from Heaven.
He poured His love and many blessings into this one life,
As she took the role of aunt, grandma, mother, and wife.
My earliest memories of her go back to Peasley Hill,
Where being on the farm with my cousins gave me such a thrill.
Those happy days on the Perry farm in Gold
Came to an end when I was ten, so I wasn't very old.
At that time, my attractions had been focused on playing with my cousins or eating a feast at their big table.
I didn't know then how my focus later would turn to this fun lady, my Aunt Mable.
She had a good sense of humor and said things that were silly,
Like, instead of the "powder room", she went to the "zilly".
Many times we watched hair around her finger spin,
As she, routinely, placed each bobby pin.
Even pouring milk in her coffee could be fun
As she said to stop when it was the color of a hamburger bun.
We shared news with each other letter after letter,
And yet, her spelling never got any better.

We loved to hear her stories about "Little Boy Blue" ,
And the one with quote, "Mable, do you have a quarter?", to name a few...
She would break into a song after hearing one word,
And even make up a verse we had never heard.
She knew how to sew, hang wallpaper, and decorate,
And make something nice with an old orange crate.
She had beautifully dressed dolls by the galore,
Found on a shelf or having tea at a table on the floor.
Her home was always open with a place to lay your head,
And her home-cooking and desserts kept you well-fed.

The special moments that I remember the most
Were when at night we had hot chocolate and home-made toast.
No matter how tired she would be,
She took the time to stay up and talk with me.
My memories of Aunt Mable go beyond measure,
And they will always be a part of my life that I treasure.
So,when in Heaven, after my life's journey has come to an end,
I will once again see Mable Perry, my aunt, my dearest friend.
Melanie Morley
November 8, 2008